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suffolk police seal
Kevin Catalina

Kevin Catalina
Police Commissioner

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman
Deputy Police Commissioner

collage of the Suffolk County Police emblem, followed by Suffolk County police officers interacting with the public

Compliment/Complaint Form

In Multiple Languages

If you submit a complaint form, an Internal Affairs Bureau investigator shall promptly contact you after the form is received, and you will receive a letter acknowledging receipt of the complaint form within two weeks. If you have any questions or need to inquire regarding the status of your complaint, please contact the Internal Affairs Bureau for assistance at 631-852-6265.

An investigation into the complaint will be conducted by IAB, which will necessarily include interviews of the person making the complaint, as well as any witnesses and involved police department personnel (please note that, although the complaint form may contain detailed information, cooperation with the IAB investigator’s efforts to interview the complainant will enable the investigator to conduct a comprehensive investigation, as the investigator may need to clarify information or obtain additional information). Any available evidentiary material will also be reviewed. Subsequently, the IAB investigator will prepare a comprehensive report that will be reviewed by the IAB command staff and then the Deputy Police Commissioner. The report will also be reviewed by the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office. Additionally, complaint investigations shall be monitored and reviewed by the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission.

Upon completion of the investigation and approval by the Deputy Police Commissioner, you will be notified of the results of the investigation.

The department takes all concerns and complaints seriously and is committed to ensuring a comprehensive and impartial investigation is conducted regarding each complaint that is received.

Complaints regarding members of the Suffolk County Police Department can also be reported to the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission at 631-853-5480.

To Download these forms you must have Acrobat Reader

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After downloading and printing applicable forms, please fill out and mail to:

Suffolk County Police Department Headquarters
30 Yaphank Ave
Yaphank, NY 11980

Compliments/Complaints can also be made directly to the Human Rights Commission by clicking here.

This website provides valuable forms and information in order to address the needs of our community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Department at 631-852-6000 or email us at Interpretation services are available for individuals with Limited English Proficiency.