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suffolk police seal
Kevin Catalina

Kevin Catalina
Police Commissioner

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman
Deputy Police Commissioner

collage of the Suffolk County Police emblem, followed by Suffolk County police officers interacting with the public

Highway Patrol Bureau

highway patrol logo
Suffolk County Police Department patch
In memory of Police Officer Ed Hernandez, 1959 - 2004

Click Here to View Frequently Asked Questions

The Highway Patrol Bureau has been an integral and highly visible component of the Suffolk County Police Department since the inception of the agency in 1960. The composition and agenda of the Bureau has changed over the years in an ongoing effort to serve all the communities of Suffolk County as their needs change and grow. The Highway Patrol Bureau is comprised of the following sections and units, each of which is responsible for services vital to roadway safety in Suffolk County:

Highway Enforcement Section

This section has total responsibility for patrolling and providing comprehensive police service for the Long Island Expressway (I495), including the High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (HOV), and the limited access portions of Sunrise Highway (RTE 27) contained within the Police District. In addition to the patrol duties on these routes, this section also provides a wide range of services, such as; Intoxilyzer breath testing, tactical response, escort assistance, HOV Lane efficiency/enforcement, and traffic control for events and roadway maintenance/repair.

a policear pulled over onto the side of a road

Motorcycle Section

a line of police on motorcycles

The Motorcycle Section has the primary responsibility to provide police escorts ranging from funerals to high risk, high profile escorts for local and foreign dignitaries, including Presidential Escorts. The officers assigned to this section are responsible for selective enforcement of Vehicle and Traffic Laws, and calibration of speedometers of both Departmental and outside agency vehicles.

Motor Carrier Safety Section

This section (MCSS) was formed in 1984 in response to the increasing incidence and severity of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles in Suffolk County. This is a proactive unit that enforces federal, state and local laws concerning commercial motor vehicles. They are also responsible for conducting commercial motor vehicle crash investigations within the police district and in the five eastern towns.

a police vehicle

Selective Alcohol Fatality Enforcement Team

a suffolk county police van

This section (SAFE-T) consists of officers dedicated to enforcement of New York’s Driving While Intoxicated laws. Their primary objective is to arrest drivers who travel on our roadways while they are intoxicated or impaired by drugs. Removal of these drivers from Suffolk County roadways is crucial to reducing traffic fatalities.

Suffolk Intensified Traffic Enforcement

This section (SITE) consists of officers dedicated to the enforcement of the NY State Vehicle and Traffic Law within Suffolk County. Targeted locations will be the high speed corridors in the Precincts where fatalities, crashes, and aggressive drivers are prevalent. The team will respond to assignments from the Office of the Chief of Patrol. Additional enforcement will be predicated upon requests from the Precincts and quarterly traffic intelligence obtained from each precinct.

a police officer's car watching over traffic

Breath Test Unit

two different types of breathalyze testing units

This unit is responsible for the repair, maintenance and calibration of all stationary and portable breath test units for the Suffolk County Police Department and other agencies within Suffolk County. The officers in this unit are responsible for training both SCPD officers and officers from outside agencies in the operation of these instruments and to certify them as NYS certified Breath Analysis Operators. The Breath Test Unit acts as a liaison between the District Attorney's Office, the Medical Examiner's Office, and the Police Department in matters pertaining to Driving While Intoxicated testing.



HOV lanes are reserved for buses and passenger vehicles with 2+ occupants only during these times: Monday - Friday 6:00-10:00 am and 3:00-8:00 pm.

All other times, single drivers can go on the HOV lane.

Children are considered an occupant of the vehicle (does not have to be a 2nd adult in the car).

Motorcycles are always permitted.

NO trailers, commercial vans/trucks are permitted.

Vehicles properly registered for the Clean Pass program and have the DMV sticker displayed are permitted any time (regardless of how many people are in the vehicle).

You can contact the Highway Patrol Office for assistance at 631-852-5960 (M-F 9 am - 4 pm)

To help us with your inquiry please have one or more of the following:

Your name, Incident date, complaint number, plate number, type of car, accident report number

Depending on the circumstances, your vehicle may have been towed by a town agency:

Town of Brookhaven Impound Yard – 631-451-6562

Town of Islip Impound Section – 631-224-5306

You can contact the Highway Patrol Office for assistance at 631-852-5960 (M-F 9am - 4pm)

If your accident report was prepared by a member of the Highway Patrol Bureau:

Please supply your information and report number, and a supervisor will be assigned to review the report, and determine if any change to the report is warranted. You will be notified by the supervisor of the status of your request.

This website provides valuable forms and information in order to address the needs of our community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Department at 631-852-6000 or email us at Interpretation services are available for individuals with Limited English Proficiency.