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suffolk police seal
Kevin Catalina

Kevin Catalina
Police Commissioner

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman
Deputy Police Commissioner

collage of the Suffolk County Police emblem, followed by Suffolk County police officers interacting with the public

Crime Scene Section

The Crime Scene Section plays an integral role in criminal investigations. Crime Scene Section officers collect physical evidence and provide expert photographic techniques. In many cases, special evidence procedures are utilized including drones, Total Mapping Systems, metal detectors, ultra-violent lights and electrostatic dust lifters. This section is responsible for the recognition, documentation, collection and preservation of physical evidence, which are important to criminal investigations.

Additionally, a primary responsibility of the Crime Scene Section is accident investigations with a death or serious injury.

Personnel in this section are extensively trained on evidence collection and is always utilizing new and innovative techniques and equipment to continue to be a major partner in case preparation.

an officer examining a broken glass door
SCPD officers taking pictures of a crime scene
an officer placing evidence into a bag held by another officer
This website provides valuable forms and information in order to address the needs of our community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Department at 631-852-6000 or email us at Interpretation services are available for individuals with Limited English Proficiency.